Pearson Test of English

The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) is a computer-based English language test trusted by universities, colleges and governments around the world. It offer candidates the fastest, fairest and most flexible way of proving their English language proficiency for studying or immigrating abroad. The tests are mainly of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. The whole test is done in a single session of 3 hours and is taken on a computer in a secured test environment and the results are delivered within 5 days.

About PTE

PTE academic assesses listening, reading, speaking and writing in a single three-hour online test session.

To complete the PTE academic test, a candidate needs to secure Pearson Test Centre. The candidate uses a computer and a headset to listen to, read and respond to questions.

PTE Academic assesses real life, academic content. During the test, the candidate hears excerpts from lectures and views graphs and charts. The candidate hears a range of accents in the test, from British and American to non-native speakers, in order to be exposed to the type of accents that may be encountered in everyday life.

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